Worktribe Research.
Simply everything you need in one place.
Worktribe is an intuitive cloud-based platform for seamless, end-to-end research management.

- Collaborative bid development.
- Integrated Full Economic Costing tool.
- Clear workflows from project creation to award.
- Comprehensive ethical review management.
- Streamlined project management with spend tracking.
- One central Open Access repository.
- Smarter REF preparation with AutoREF.
- Real-time reporting and insights.
All research management products | Opportunities | Pre-Award | Due Diligence | Ethics | Contracts | Post-Award | Outputs | Profiles | Impact | REF
Open more doors.
Opportunities connects researchers to relevant opportunities, enabling a proactive approach to identifying funding.
A searchable, filterable database of funding opportunities, configured to your researchers’ interests.
Identify potential collaborators and share information.
Create new projects directly from opportunity records.
Win more bids.
Proposal and budget information in one place. Controlled by role-based permission with a clear audit trail of actions.
Enables teamwork across your organisation, prompting stakeholders with relevant information and actions at the correct stages.
Save time and effort with Worktribe’s user-friendly, dynamic and intuitive system that will reduce admin and increase efficiencies.
Quickly and easily calculate project costs with automatic calculation of funder contributions.
Do the right thing.
Due Diligence supports informed decision making and highlights areas of compliance.
Configurable risk assessments capture what is most important to your institution in relation to managing risk and completing due diligence.
Country and Organisation assessments allow you to classify the impact and risk of collaborating or receiving funding.
Risk indicators highlight areas of Project, Contracts and Ethics applications where the assessment has uncovered an area of risk.
Make informed choices with risk indicators at approval stages highlight critical decision points. Drill through summary risk level indicators on applications to see detail underneath.
Ensure ethical compliance.
A single source of truth for all your ethics applications and a clear view to the audit trail of actions.
Designed to help and encourage working together, with configurable allocation rules so the right people are involved at the right time.
Working with our HE partners, Worktribe has developed a configurable framework which can be tailored to your specific institutional requirements.
Use Worktribe’s configurable risk management and workflow rules to enhance your institution’s approach to ethics governance.
Keep it legal.
Contracts allows you to develop and manage all types of third-party agreements in one place.
With Worktribe providing the single source of truth, you have all contracts and workflows in one place.
Assign standard terms to contracts, simplifying processes, eliminating time-consuming reviews.
Worktribe’s intuitive and user-friendly interface ensures seamless integration with all our solutions, providing transparency and enabling collaboration.
Control permissions via profile management to ensure appropriate access throughout the contracting process.
Want to see more?
We’re always on hand to tell you a little more about our platform and products.
Whether you are looking for a short overview, or a full demo, get in touch now.
Keep projects on track.
Post-Award provides simple, effective tools to manage and track project progress and spending.
Ensure transparency across the award lifecycle on a single platform. Allow stakeholders to see expenditure and tasks.
Carry over budget, tasks, risks and benefits from Pre- Award seamlessly. Avoid duplication and reduce the risk of losing track of project data.
Take the stress out of project finances with simple tools to track and manage actual and committed expenditure.
View and export your data in multiple formats, enabling users to drill down deeper for business insights.
Showcase your research.
Outputs & Repository allows you to harvest and store project outputs and make them discoverable via an Open Access Repository.
Automatically capture researcher outputs from external sources, cross-referencing against existing records.
Simple Output deposit wizard to guide users, saving time and effort.
Find all your outputs in one place, ensuring appropriate users have ease of access to the most up-to-date records.
Showcase your research including outputs, impact, recognition, projects, news and events.
Integrate Worktribe with your website to display outputs or choose the integrated, public-facing Worktribe Repository.
Promote research talent.
Profiles helps academics build, maintain and export public profiles for enhanced researcher discoverability.
Simple, user-friendly tools ensure researcher information is current and accurate.
Automatically link researchers to their project outputs, engagement activities, impact, esteem indicators, programmes and modules.
Establish a comprehensive library of academic profiles, connecting profile data in one place.
Record researcher identifiers such as ORCID, Scopus, arXiv, Crossref and Web of Science.
Showcase your researchers’ achievements using your integrated public-facing repository.
Make your research matter.
Impact makes recording project impact and building evidence for case studies easy.
Share notebooks with others to collaborate on capturing information that would support a future impact case study.
Visualise your research journey on a timeline, capturing reflections, ideas and discussions.
Record and refine any relevant information to your research journey, then develop this into an impact case study.
Workflow-controlled processes ensure high quality impact records.
Take the stress out of REF.
REF ensures you make the best REF submission for your organisation.
Seamlessly pull outputs from the Worktribe platform to optimise your submission.
Reduce your administrative burden for your REF submission.
Automatically identify REF-eligible outputs and REF-eligible people.
Aligned with the latest iterations of REF requirements.
All research management products | Opportunities | Pre-Award | Due Diligence | Ethics | Contracts | Post-Award | Outputs | Profiles | Impact | REF
The fast and easy way to procure the Worktribe Research suite...
Want to know more?
Our team are on hand to answer your questions about the platform.
Whether you are looking for a short overview, or a full demo, get in touch now.