Worktribe Impact

Worktribe Impact enables academics and administrators to record research impact and evidence effectively in order to support and showcase research outcomes.
Streamline your teamwork.
Coherent workflows ensure that recording of impact and evidence is efficient and accurate.
Record impact case studies and evidence entries on the same platform as your project management and research outputs.
Follow defined approval routes to ensure that recorded information is robust and compliant.
Coordinate and cross-reference.
Simplify the most complex multiple impact and evidence scenarios.
Employ powerful search functionality to report on impact evidence against underpinning research.
What impact does your research make?
Harness recorded impact case studies to evidence and promote university performance.
Visualise your research journey on a impact timeline.
Utilise impact and evidence when reporting to funding bodies.
Record your discussions, thoughts and reflections over the years in an ‘impact evidence scrapbook’.
Formalise impact case studies for presenting the impact of your research on the world.
Enable public view of case studies as and when required.
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