Worktribe Ethics

Worktribe Ethics streamlines your ethical review and approval processes, tailored to your specific institutional needs.
Tailored to your institution.
Working with our HE partners, Worktribe has developed a configurable questionnaire framework which can be tailored to your specific institutional needs.
Flexible and dynamic configuration options for your application process with customisable questions and contextual help.
Define the risk level of applications with an auto-risk setting based on applicants’ responses.
Bring the right people into the review based on responses and area of exposure.
Simplify complex review processes.
Clear workflows, dynamic forms and ethics application routing save academics and administrators time and stress.
Harness dynamic forms with conditional branching logic.
Route application dependent on risk, organisation or committee.
Follow flexible review and approval paths.
Streamline your teamwork.
Collaborative tools and meeting management features ensure applications are processed quickly and efficiently.
Use commenting functionality to discuss applications online.
Support and track committee meetings.
Manage Word templates for committee papers and letters.
Automatically populate templates with ethics application data.
Less risk, more compliance.
Effective ethics application management, visibility and tracking means improved transparency, compliance, integrity and reporting.
Monitor progress and view an audit trail of user actions.
Access an archive of all previous ethics applications.
Access and filter automatically-populated management reports.
The feedback has been extremely positive, particularly in the Health and Social Care School who are excited about having an online ethics application system.
Lindsay Ramage – Edinburgh Napier University
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