We’re delighted to announce that the July 2019 release is now available!
If you are already using Worktribe and managed to come along to Worktribe Connect, you’ll already know all about the new features (and products!) that we are bringing in this year.
For those of you who couldn’t make it, or are completely new to Worktribe, here are a few of the highlights of our new release:
- Worktribe Ethics – yes, you might have heard the rumour, and it is true. We’ve developed a brand new product to help you streamline ethics reviews and approval processes for greater transparency and compliance. Contact us now to book a demo.
- REF 2021 – We’ve further improved our REF product to make it easier for you to make the best possible REF submission for your institutions. Improvements include enhanced calculations, OA compliance and eligibility checking, and more features for capturing data for REF Impact submission.
- Improved user experience including updated page layouts, enhanced record editing, extended commenting functionality for improved collaboration, and the ability to highlight important updates in the audit trail.
How to find out more
If you are a Worktribe administrator and want to read more about what’s in this release, go to your relevant Product Forum and check out the release notes.
Or contact us to find out more about how Worktribe can transform administration at your university through better collaboration, more efficiency and more transparency.